Here are some assessment ideas for you to add to your Physical Education program. These are made with Google Forms. If you don't want to read the rest of this CLICK HERE for a video tutorial of how to save the Google Forms to your drive. Once you have downloaded the file CLICK HERE to save the file on your iPad home screen.
I ask that you please start by logging into your Google Drive. Once you have logged into your drive, you can come back here and open the file. Once the file is open please do not fill anything out. Instead click on the File tab and select "Make A Copy". The copy should go into your Google Drive that you signed in with. Now the file is in your drive you can make changes on the Form that's in your drive.
I ask that you please start by logging into your Google Drive. Once you have logged into your drive, you can come back here and open the file. Once the file is open please do not fill anything out. Instead click on the File tab and select "Make A Copy". The copy should go into your Google Drive that you signed in with. Now the file is in your drive you can make changes on the Form that's in your drive.
My most recent adventure with Google Forms at the beginning of the school year lead me to creating ones for student peer evaluations. It was pretty easy to make and I think I got it worked out so things line up the way I like. Take a look on how I created my form and if you like it make one for your students. I also copied the form to use for myself to assess the students.
Plickers! This tablet or phone app is great for helping assess our students. This app allows you to ask multiple choice or true false questions to yours. The students answer the question using their unique cards which are link to their name when you setup a class online. You will need to start by creating an account online and setup your classes, questions and print off the cards. For a brief tutorial of how to setup and account and scan the students' cards check out my video below. Also, if you need an idea of how to display or store you cards be sure to check out my Equipment Hacks section.
I created this Google form to help assess my students and keep all the data under one student's name. It is a "check box" form where you can mark the skills where the students need more improvement on to master the various skills. When clicking the link be sure to create your own copy and save it to your drive.
Looking for a checklist to perform a quick assessment for your students? Check out the Google Form I made and feel free to copy the file and save it for yourself. This form will allow you to quickly assess your students with a simple yes or no whether they can perform the locomotor pattern.
More Google forms that can be used to assess your students. These forms are a checkbox type of form and you can mark off when the student has or has not mastered the parts of the skills. In the forms you will be able to add your own students. To add extra students you will need to click the duplicate icon and then can change the student's name. Be sure to copy and save the file to your own drive!
Are you wanting to create your own Google Form but don't know how to start? I put together a great video tutorial on how to setup a quick assessment form. This video is the same one from my main page and is also the one from the Phys Ed Tech page. So, if you already watched it there then no need to watch it again.
more to come soon